Friday, May 6, 2011

Marvelous Mister Possum-Who-Lives-In-My-Roof

Life from the point of view of the possum who lives in my roof:

"Well, first of all, they're pretty good at sleep time until the weekens, not too noisey. Not too noisey, that is, until saturday and sunday roll around! Banging around the house at all hours of the day, and I'll be damned if there's even a thing as selective insomniacs! I do have to admit, though, that a favourite past time of mine - a hobby, if you like - is waiting just until one of them has gotten into bed. Then, directly above them, start to frantically run about, all the whilenever leaving the range in which they can hear me. Classs-icc. Especially one, it just annoys them to no end! Ahhh, the joys in life."

- And that's where I got interupted by a friend, thereby taking me out of the possum-mentality zone and leaving me ineffectual to finish this post.

The Automatic Teller Machine Machines

"Wow, that atm out there is like a machine"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Favourite

Out of all birds magpies raeally are one of my favourites. I mean, there look is classic - black and white, it will never be outdated. Plus, when other birds see you their action display a thought process of "Ah! Human! Better fly away". Whereas magpies really project a wonderful unconcerned nonchalance. Their thought process "Please don't come any closer, I can just taste this worm. Ah, thankyou, much obliged"

You have to admit, it's a real feat when you can appear condescending yet are just about to consume a worm.

I love Ryan

After getting up at the ungodly hour of 6:30am and then proceeding to uni, I found the life saver that is coffee. Yum yum yum. Whoever thought of putting lounges in the library is a hero and a saint, especially considering Gloria Jeans isn't big on tables, not to mention as a result of their location, warmth. So up I toddle to the library and sink into the bright blue lounges. (Or lounge, I don't really need multiples.)

Graffiti is a really subjective thing. I see "I <3 Ryan" on the brick next to my right elbow and contempt seeps through me. Then I see '93 and think 'wow, that was a long time ago, when was I born? Scary, Ryan's probably middle aged by now..." and suddenly the graffiti belongs on that brick. Don't dare try to say it doesn't! Its survived eighteen long years!

I just had a moment of "if a lion was to walk in just now... all casual, no rawring... what would happen?" Followed by a guilty "I should have brought my law stuff" oh, well. That's what lions that could possible gore everyone in a considerably sized room make me think of. Apparently.

It's hungry Wednesday today. My stomach growls in anticipation!

On the subject of food:

The scary moment when what you thought was smooth peanut butter turns out to be crunchy. Seriously. Finding a large lump in middle of your sandwhich is not fun, until you catch on to what has happened, then it's just embarrassing.

AND! I'd forgotten all about this:

Juicy Juice? Still not juicy enough? You should have paid your extra cents for the extra juicy juice! As opposed to the normal amount of juice in juice..?

The strange thing about hungry Wednesday is that I actually eat more food than on any other day (for lunch). But I'm so much hungrier even after eating. I think it may have something to do with sitting in the same seat for four hours straight. Boredom may have ravenous side effects on my stomach.

Maybe in the same way as sitting at a computer with absolutely nothing to do has the inadveratant side effect of extremely long posts. No? Surely not!

And yet I keep on writing.

Politically Incorrect Speed Signs

It wasn't racist it was simply the realisation that this concept could be easily rememebered through a well known cultural stereotype. Why do I still feel slightly guilty, especially as I don't need to use this memory trick, therefore making the only reason I'm still thinking about this slightly politically incorrect memory trick being the guilt of realising it in the first place.

And on the subject of thinking of things because I'm thinking about them. I managed to spend five minutes wondering what a 60 speed limit sign would look to those from a different culture, possibly when looking at its fossilised remains (or from a volcano- Pompeii, which is probably more likely, pfft fossilised!) in a thousand or so years.

First, I started by imagining the numbers were upside down renedering them meaningless to me... (90 in case you were wondering, yes hindsight is a beautiful thing) and then wondered how I would react to two meaningless symbols enclosed in a circle if I was so far removed from the society and culture of the place. Then I wondered about the odds of someone figuring out its actual purpose. This bought a lovely picture to my mind of a humble junior/volunteer archaeologist timidly suggesting "maybe its meant to have somehow controlled how fast their transportation went... are they numbers?" [here they looked slightly baffled and admittably embarrassed, even before the laughter starts]. His forlorne look as his peers and elders scoffed knowingly and condescendingly adding that "numerical signs from this period were not enclosed in circles" adds a horible sense of irony to an already irony-overloaded scene.

Have you ever looked at a language and not understood it? This should be a pretty common answer with a pretty uniform answer. BUT! Have you ever looked at your native/first and infinitely most used language and not understood it. I'm not talking incomprehensibly long words but actually just looked at a passage of writing (maybe English?) and seen the shape rather than the actual meaning? Or, have you heard English (I'm just going to say English, cause to be honest, thats what's in my head. Substitute where necessary, please) but not understood it (see above for not getting specific words). Both have happened to me, especially the latter. Foreign movies are great for this, especially walking in half way through one, looking for subtitles, hearing exactly what they're saying and just not getting a thing. Its the strangest feeling, especially since the second you realised what's going on, either due to lack of subtitles, or a word finally flagging the "I know what this means" test in your brain, you immediately understand what they're saying.

Anway, that was a bit of deviation.

So many little things are brilliant for looking at from a 'two thousand years later' point of view. Highways.- Obviously outdated, or maybe the world's suffered a bit of a Dark Ages stint and these are just another sign of the ancient's wisdom.
All signs. Especially those like elevator weight capacities.
The internet. Not sure how that's going to fare the millenima. I guess it can try its best though.
Paper shredders.
Waiting rooms.
Staplers. Surely one of the most contested items of the 4060s archaelogical commuinity.
Cat's eyes. (Not the animals, the ones on the road)
Joke songs that may be taken seriously. Or atleast be thought to represent a large proportion of some demographic... eek, Rebecca Black (it should be a joke, I know)
Windmills. When only seen still those things' purpose an inpenetrable to all.

Oh, and Doctor Who! Nothings so loveable yet so funny to explain to outsiders. I think people two thousand years in our future count as Doctor Who outsiders. Then again, he can regenerate.

Don't Get Me Wrong, But.. Okay, Get Me Wong.

My Passing Conversations

When going two or three hours with minimal social contact yet surrounded by people, you slowly tune in to passing conversations. Or, maybe some people have no idea how loud they talk while walking by other people. Just a suggestion, although not always the case.

My morning can end up sounding something like this:

"I just felt rushed I - tore the right ankle and left calf he - I guess if we use the reading in - you know what - there's one round the Chancery, which is just huge! [this is my favourite, most definitely] - where are you going it - beyond that not"

The guy remarking about the "huge" one was, I think, talking about either a mushroom or an insect - or whatever else spends its free time clinging to the bottom of tree trunks.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The key! The key! Why on earth didn't you say it was heart shaped?

Good Ole Drafty the Text Message

Well, since we last met up there's been rather a lot of good old 'drafty the text message'. I've also recently discovered where the notes application on my phone resides. But really, it's all too hard to go all the way down to 'Tools' and then select 'Notes'... Too much effort. So text message it is, clogging up my drafts, along with bonafide genuine draft text messages such as:

"To -------,
So does sun sound"
[End of draft in case you were wondering]

Maybe somone asked me the time. Maybe I forgot what was actually said in the text that I was replying too, or maybe Sunday actually didn't sound good so I probably shouldn't suggest it.

The Target Catalogue had Justin Bieber under teen fiction. Thank. God.

A nice stream of consciousness one now:

Wow, people talk really loud on phones. Then again, didn't I? How funny. And then some people just always talk loud. Even when who they're talking to is standing right in front of them.

Like that lady. Poor man. Shouting to him and he's not even a foot away. God, I don't want to know about the development that just wasn't happening in ---- and standing as far away as I am her voice has only just reached talking level. Poor man.

And then there was the really bad mosquito day...

The corpses around me,
are of my own making

I did get pretty quick and cruel that day, not to mention morbid?

Well, that clears the backlog somewhat. Cheerio!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Did I forget self satisfactory smiles?


"The lingering smile that wasn't meant for the stranger you happened to accidently make eye contact with"

Seriously good and bad consequences to this one. I don't mind too much when it's a gentle appreciative smile (to someone's comment not to stranger) but every now and then some poor stranger will get the manical grin of utter hilarity.


"Engert the mysterious passerby. You may not see him but chance provides his purposeful gait as a background everytime something rather important happens in public."


I've got a real backlog of these, so bear with me.

"Ignomo the private. The most fearsome pirate in the world. He'll attack and before you can say 'arr' he's given you purple hair.

I mean, I love purple hair as much as the next person, but, well maybe I didn't want purple hair, s'al!"

Drafts, my most gentlemenly of saviours

When waiting alone for lecture, tutorial or workshop, or happening past a scene I don't particularly want to be seen as watching, out will come The Phone. As a member of gen Y this is but a natural and easy response to say "hey, yes I am alone. But no! I defy you to say I'm really alone! How can I be alone when I am obviously in commuinication with a number of friends?" Which translates to a reality for me meaning that as a result of not wanting to waste credit or wear thin the patience of friends, out comes the draft text message.

Cue the aforementioned "the grout" which happens to be an old friend of the dear draft text.

Or, after following somone for five minutes - who fortuously happened to be going to the exact same place as me - this gem of ennui

"Sheep have a surprisingly enviable time of it, really."

What can I say, I was feeling rather sheep-like. And, to tell you the truth, in the sleep ridden stupor that I was occuping, mindless following was actually pretty damn good.

I have a nice feeling that this wont be the end of the draft text message, at all.

The Grout Series

A compliment to an earlier bathroom series...

Written somewhere on the walls in the girls bathroom in Shorland Hub, Newcastle University:

"et tu groutus?"
"I grout therefore I am"
"Oscar the grout"
"The grouts of wrath"
"To grout or not to grout, that is the question."

... I leave it up to you to decide where these philisophical statements were located.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Dear, it was but too lovely.

As most would be able to guess. Spare time arrived. Was greeted warmly, and then enjoyed in complete ignorance of this most lovely of spaces.
But hey! I'm meant to have loads of time now. Aren't I?
